File index of OS2SWBBS: Internet (TCP/IP & Comm) page 50

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
491 28-09-2000 58 Kb. 4
Configuration of LPRPORTD with screenshots for
TCP/IP v4.1 or higher. 
492 22-04-1994 214 Kb. 4
LaTimes Usenet News reader for OS/2, PM interfac
e, very slick. Much nicer than the newsreader
in TCP/IP v2.0. 
493 31-10-1997 69 Kb. 3
Utility to read ListServ or Majordomo digest
files by thread. 
494 30-07-1995 278 Kb. 4
A new approach to FTP that is fully integrated
with the Workplace Shell.  Configure an Ftp
Folder to point to an FTP site, open it up,
and you're on your way! Browsing FTP sites has
*never* been easier.  Registerable here with
"!" command. 
495 11-10-1996 143 Kb. 4
LWPChart is a TCP/IP and CPU monitor utility
providing throughput and error indications in
small, unobtrusive windows on your desktop.
If you've wondered just what your Internet link
was doing when things seem slow, this could
be for you. 
496 07-02-1998 567 Kb. 4
Lynx 2.7.2 WWW client for users running cursor-a
ddressable, character-cell display devices (e.g.
, vt100 terminals, vt100 emulators). 
497 23-06-1998 1373 Kb. 3
Lynx 2.8 for OS/2. 
498 23-06-1998 1611 Kb. 4
Lynx 2.8 for OS/2 (source). 
499 17-12-1995 57 Kb. 3
A menuing system for lynx. 
500 lyrisos2.exe 15-01-1997 3679 Kb. 4
Lyris is a program for running and managing
Internet mailing lists. 

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