File index of OS2SWBBS: Internet (TCP/IP & Comm) page 21

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
201 13-02-1995 443 Kb. 6
VXREXX version of a online time finder for the
Warp IAK package. 
202 20-12-1996 9 Kb. 7
Finger server daemon. 
203 29-05-1994 47 Kb. 6
TCP/IP finger daemon for OS/2.  
204 29-08-1997 31 Kb. 6
Partial port of GNU finger. 
205 15-06-1994 25 Kb. 6
A finger server for OS/2, version 1.1. (req.
TCP.IP & rxSock DLL). 
206 30-05-1994 50 Kb. 6
A finger server (req. IBM TCP/IP & rxSock DLL) 
207 24-05-1997 313 Kb. 6
Changes PMMail v1.92's icons to use the old
v1.91 icons. 
208 fla.cmd 13-12-1994 10 Kb. 53
Script for connecting IAK to FLORIDA ONLINE.
Connects the OS/2 Internet Access Kit (IAK)
to FLORIDA ONLINE using the "Dial other Internet
providers" application (SLIPPM). 
209 10-04-1999 11 Kb. 6
Julian Thomas's filter import/export utility
for ICE. 
210 29-11-1999 317 Kb. 6
Fortify v1.45 for Netscape is a program that
provides world-wide, unconditional, full strengt
h 128-bit cryptography to users of Netscape
Navigator (v3 and v4) and Communicator (v4).(Net
scape v2.02, v4.04, v4.61. only). 

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