File index of OS2SWBBS: Icons, Icons, Icons page 21

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
201 26-11-1990 154 Kb. 7
476 icons converted from Windows 3 to OS/2. 
202 21-05-1995 16 Kb. 8
A few icons (some in animated pairs) for your
OS/2 system. 
203 16-04-1994 7 Kb. 8
Replacement 32x32 & 40x40 Novell Netware Icons.
Highest quality Novell icons. Includes all resol
204 28-05-1993 85 Kb. 6
A very nice selection of Railroad based OS/2
Icons (Fallen Flags plus current names).  
205 os2sicon.lzh 25-09-1992 135 Kb. 78
A select group of 500 icons, gathered from many
sources, converted from Windows format if necess
ary, best weeded out, and edited for 
206 03-10-1995 222 Kb. 8
369 Simpsons icons created by Jeanette Foshee
for the Macintosh and converted by me via the
Windows version to OS/2 format. 
207 os2sys.ico 22-01-1994 2 Kb. 47
This icon is the OS/2 System in 256 colors.
 It was designed for the 1024x768 display mode
so it may look odd in straight VGA. 
208 03-06-1994 14 Kb. 8
3-D Icons from the OS/2 Performance Beta Spruce
up your existing Desktop without having to insta
ll the Beta code.  
209 pcplus.ico 15-07-1992 3 Kb. 49
Icon for Procomm Plus. It shows the PCPLUS logo
from the version 2 manual. 16-color VGA and
256-color 8514 versions included. 
210 17-06-1994 5 Kb. 9
Some "photographic" Icons for PM (all of women's

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