File index of OS2SWBBS: Icons, Icons, Icons page 20

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
191 21-04-1996 68 Kb. 8
OS/2 Warp - Folders. Folders created for OS/2
programms and applications (open and closed). 
192 17-01-1992 108 Kb. 8
324 assorted icons 
193 23-05-1989 0 Kb. 8
Some icons. 
194 26-01-1992 272 Kb. 6
Colorful Icons - Part 1 of 3 which makes up
a collection of 3300+ icons converted from Windo
ws icons. Icons A through G and 0 through 9. 
195 26-01-1992 196 Kb. 8
Colorful Icons - Part 2 of 3 which makes up
a collection of 3300+ icons converted from Windo
ws icons. Icons H through P. 
196 26-01-1992 193 Kb. 7
Colorful Icons - Part 3 of 3 which makes up
a collection of 3300+ icons converted from Windo
ws icons. Icons Q through Z. 
197 16-05-1992 813 Kb. 7
2000 + icons.  Extract with the -d option to
get into subdirectories. Icons are in alphabetic
al order. These are conversions from MS Windows
198 20-03-1993 113 Kb. 6
These 164 Quality Icons are sure to dress up
your entire operating system. Includes instructi
ons for assigning icons to objects for OS/2
2.0,  12/92 OS/2 2.1, and 3/93 OS/2 2.1. 
199 14-04-1993 122 Kb. 8
OS/2 Quality Icons. Over 180 different quality
icons you can use to dress up your desktop.
Includes instructions for installing on OS/2
2.0 and  2.1. 
200 20-05-1993 138 Kb. 8
OS/2 Quality Icons, Version 5.0. Now over 211
icons to dress up your OS/2 desktop. Includes
instructions for 2.0 and 2.1, a list of the
icons and descriptions in an ASCII file, and

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