File index of OS2SWBBS: Icons, Icons, Icons page 12

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
111 05-01-1994 12 Kb. 9
WPS icons for some popular DOS games. Some of
them are originals, some of them came from vario
us BBS's and forums, and others were converted
from their Windows counterparts. 
112 20-07-1995 7 Kb. 10
OS2 Icons for Doom, DoomII, Heretic & Descent.
This archive contains four icons, one each for
Doom, Doom II, Heretic and Descent. Contains
extended attributes, so for best results unzip
with InfoZIP's UNZIP.EXE. 
113 30-09-1995 87 Kb. 10
New nice Icon's for OS/2 WARP. Neue sehenswerte
Icon's fr OS/2. 
114 gold.ico 08-07-1995 3 Kb. 60
Original Golden CommPass Icon. This is the 'orig
inal' icon shipped with versions prior to 2.20. 
115 03-06-1990 0 Kb. 9
Icon for GONE.ZIP 
116 31-08-1994 832 Kb. 10
789 Icons. 
117 27-03-1997 233 Kb. 8
Really nice 256-color icons (mostly from the
Icon Factory). 
118 22-08-1998 9 Kb. 9
set of grey 3D mouse-pointers for OS/2. 
119 12-11-1994 2 Kb. 9
Animated GammaTech folder icons for WARP. 
120 19-01-1995 3 Kb. 9
Change Mouse Pointer for OS/2 (including Warp)
to something a little more unique.  

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