File index of OS2SWBBS: Icons, Icons, Icons page 11

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
101 26-09-1991 8 Kb. 10
OS/2 1.3 icons for DOS games 
102 gcp.ico 21-07-1992 3 Kb. 58
Replacement Icon for Golden CommPass. Golden
CommPass Icon designed for VGA display, looks
particularly nice in 1024x768 on a black backgro
103 11-10-1995 2 Kb. 8
GCP Folder Icons for Object Desktop. Golden
Commpass folder icons (opened and closed) using
new, Object Desktop style folders. 
104 26-07-1995 397 Kb. 8
Game related Database/Icon Collection for OS/2 
105 27-04-1993 0 Kb. 9
Grateful Dead (Steal Your Face) icon. 
106 21-10-1996 44 Kb. 8
Grateful Dead Pointer set for OS/2 Warp 
107 28-02-1999 85 Kb. 8
Ghicn001 - A set of various new icons for OS/2. 
108 glass.ico 08-07-1992 3 Kb. 67
Icon showing magnifying glass. Can be used to
represent a file viewer like LISTOS2, or a file
finder like FF. VGA and 8514 versions included.
This icon shows a magnifying glass. The lens
is transparent, of course. 
109 03-09-1993 27 Kb. 8
78 icons for OS/2 of world globes and maps,
converted from Windows  
110 27-11-1994 5 Kb. 9
Gloves: Warp Mouse Pointer Replacements. These
files include Replacement pointers for your
OS/2 Warp 3 Mouse. Unzip the GLOVES.ZIP file
and take a look at the GLOVES.TXT file for instl
lation information. 

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