File index of OS2SWBBS: Games page 46

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
451 19-02-1991 68 Kb. 8
Play Yathzee across the LAN, max. 10 players
for PM OS/2 1.2 and up 
452 31-10-1994 83 Kb. 9
OS/2 Version of Attax, Similiar board, pieces
& goal of Othello, but with different moves. 
453 04-06-1992 35 Kb. 8
Transform your OS/2 V2 workplace into an enterta
inment field. Zap the lightning bolts before
they hit the palm trees. This version contains
updated graphics. 
454 30-01-1995 24 Kb. 7
Based on the Board Game BOGGLE. Needs VX-REXX
VROBJ.DLL to run 
455 08-12-1995 645 Kb. 8
These are some screen shots from The Alphabet
Zoo - OS/2's FIRST Edutainment software, brought
to you by Second Story Productions, Inc.  (2SP) 
456 21-02-2000 499 Kb. 8
The original Zork ported to OS/2; from the publi
c domain source code released by Infocom.  

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