File index of OS2SWBBS: Games page 39

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
381 27-08-1995 79 Kb. 8
Solitude v1.02 1-player "thinking" game like
solitaire, etc.  Easy to learn.  Native OS/2
32-bit PM game.  Trial version. 
382 29-12-1993 29 Kb. 9
Sorry board game for OS/2 PM 
383 09-06-1999 1409 Kb. 10
South Park Speaks/2. Borrowed from the Windows
version of 'South Park Speaks V1.1' Executable
384 09-06-1999 1407 Kb. 9
South Park Speaks/2. Borrowed from the Windows
version of 'South Park Speaks V1.1' Source code
385 05-03-1996 119 Kb. 9
This is a reconstruction of a game from project
MAC in the late 1960's.  Version 1.02  fixes
some bugs and provides help.  
386 17-04-1993 35 Kb. 9
Randomly create National Enquirer headlines
and more.  Includes source. 
387 27-07-1994 416 Kb. 9
A program for handling spells and spellbooks
from various fantasy role-playing (FRP) games.
It can handle both mage and priest spells for
TSR's AD&D (a trademark of TSR, inc) game, and
can easily be expanded to handle other systems
as well. 
388 30-09-1996 517 Kb. 7
$Sheriff vers0.12b FOR OS/2 WARP. Multithreaded
PM game. 
389 20-12-1996 177 Kb. 9
Atari 2600 emulator for OS/2. Stella is a portab
le emulator of the old Atari 2600 video-game
console written in C++.  It is a work-in-progres
s, however, you can play most Atari 2600 games
with it. 
390 14-09-1990 24 Kb. 10
REXX .cmd file: Search for the Sacred Stone
is a Mikel Rice adventure game. You are a grad
student in archeology, and must find the Sacred
Stone before your rival does. 

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