File index of OS2SWBBS: Games page 28

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
271 omega75.lzh 19-11-1992 279 Kb. 84
Omega, the D&D game, ported to OS/2 using C/Set2
and the PC Curses library. 
272 25-01-1988 61 Kb. 10
Fortune Cookie. 
273 22-04-1996 11 Kb. 5
DOOM/2 Beta Launcher. Front-end to DOOM/2 Beta
so it runs without having to manually change
your system's date. Includes text file on how
to run it. Requires VROBJ.DLL version 2.1d. 
274 01-03-1999 1212 Kb. 10
Beta puzzle game for os/2. 
275 21-12-1994 374 Kb. 8
Upgrade your OS/2 Warp Klondike and Chess games
to version 3.0.  From IBM.  Adds sound and new
bitmaps, and more.  
276 20-09-1992 215 Kb. 10
32-bit OS/2 version of Moria 5.5  
277 01-12-1989 18 Kb. 10
PM Piano. 
278 04-08-1996 1621 Kb. 10
OS/2-Planets v1.22 - a complex galactic strategy
-game like VGA-Planets, which can be played
by up to ten players. 
279 27-03-1997 1252 Kb. 9
OS/2-Planets v2.01 - a complex galactic strategy
-game like VGA-Planets, which can be played
by up to ten players - now with internet support
280 osk3v101.exe 15-02-1999 190 Kb. 22
Sokoban v1.01 Sokoban (meaning 'warehouse man'
in Japanese) is an addictive puzzle game, where
you, as Sokoban, must move all the boxes into
their storage areas, preferably in the least
number of moves and pushes. 

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