File index of OS2SWBBS: Games page 23

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
221 08-02-1989 14 Kb. 11
Primitive maze game. Very primitive maze game
(keyboard-only interface). Freeware, with comple
te C source code. 
222 25-05-1992 53 Kb. 11
OS/2 1.3 PM program displays mazes in 3D - inclu
des source 
223 25-06-1992 85 Kb. 9
OS/2 2.0 PM program displays mazes in 3D. This
version corrects a problem with an overflowing
array. Be patient if you have no math coprocesso
r; this program is a real number cruncher. IBM
C Set/2 source included. 
224 04-10-1989 23 Kb. 9
Maze v.1.00 for PM - Jeff Kerr. Interesting
maze game, one window shows the overhead view
and the other shows the mouse's view (so to
speak). There is no (computer) mouse interface,
however. Freeware. 
225 28-07-1999 539 Kb. 11
Midnight Commander 4.5.6 Beta for OS/2 with
226 10-06-2000 205 Kb. 10
Crosswords, in Canadian-French. 
227 06-05-1994 368 Kb. 9
Modem DOOM Setup/2 for OS/2 is a special GUI
shell for OS/2 to play serial games of DOOM.
This release, version 1.5 adds dialing directory
support, and some minor cosmetic changes, and
now includes an icon file for the main executabl
228 22-04-1994 361 Kb. 9
Modem DOOM Setup for OS/2 allows you to run
DOOM v1.2 to run Serial games - both modem and
null-modem capable games.  Many features, includ
ing saved-game scanning, MODEM.CFG managing
and editing, and a whole lote more! 
229 10-09-1998 459 Kb. 8
Memory Game v1.2b - card matching game works
with Speech Navigation (Warp 4.0). 
230 23-01-1996 17 Kb. 12
METEOR is a simple OS/2 REXX arcade type game. 

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