Nr. | Filename | Date | Size | Downloads | Description |
211 | | 24-05-2000 | 3436 Kb. | 9 | ( Pentium optimized versi on of MAME for OS/2 v .36 beta 11. Multi-arcade game emulator. |
212 | | 30-05-1994 | 334 Kb. | 9 | MAH JONGG Version 2.1A for OS/2 2.1 is the germa n version of the well known chinese game. It supports multiple boards (not only the "dragon") , multiple tile-sets (you can create your own ones !), tournament game and many other options. |
213 | | 01-04-1995 | 279 Kb. | 10 | Mah Jongg 2.1D (English version) 95/04/01. OS/2 version of well known chinese game. Supports multiple board layouts & multiple tile sets. Tournament mode, saving & loading of games & many more functions are supported by this game. |
214 | | 24-05-1991 | 86 Kb. | 9 | Presentation Manager (16bit) based MAHJONGG game (finally!). From Europe via the OS/2 confer ence. You should really have a 256 color display for this one, it's barely playable with 16 color video. |
215 | | 07-04-1996 | 484 Kb. | 9 | MakMan/2 v1.00, a PacMan clone with DIVE and MMPM support. |
216 | | 09-01-1999 | 1412 Kb. | 10 | M.A.M.E. 0.34 final version. Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator, and currently runs 1000+ class ic (and even some not so classic) arcade games! |
217 | | 05-04-1998 | 740 Kb. | 9 | MAngband v0.52 is a multi-human "graphical" dungeon adventure game using textual characters to represent the walls and floors of a dungeon and the inhabitants. |
218 | | 01-10-1997 | 370 Kb. | 11 | MAngband is a "graphical" dungeon adventure game using textual characters to represent the walls and floors of a dungeon and the inhabitant s therein, in the vein of "rogue", "hack", "neth ack", and "moria". |
219 | | 23-02-1998 | 238 Kb. | 9 | Mangband, a quite addictive "graphical" multipla yer adventure set in Tolkien's Middle Earth world. |
220 | | 14-04-1997 | 94 Kb. | 8 | MATRIX V1.3-An OS/2 PM Strategy Game. Uses a set of coloured tiles, where each player attempt s to score by matching tile colours. Played by two players, with opponent being computer (different levels) or human. Fully functional. |