File index of OS2SWBBS: Other Fixes & Patches from IBM page 10

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
91 22-01-1996 1415 Kb. 14
Visual Age Cobol for OS/2 FixPak #1  disk 7/9. 
92 31-01-1996 1421 Kb. 14
Visual Age Cobol for OS/2 FixPak #1  disk 8/9. 
93 23-01-1996 200 Kb. 14
Visual Age Cobol for OS/2 FixPak #1  disk 9/9. 
94 cobfp1.txt 17-02-1996 27 Kb. 53
IBM VisualAge for COBOL for OS/2 Postscript
Fixpak #1. README w/information about the CSD
and Installation. 
95 cobunzip.cmd 17-02-1996 0 Kb. 86
Cmd file to unzip FixPak for Visual Age Cobol. 
96 29-10-2001 38 Kb. 11
A fix for COM.EXE which supports max. 4 COM
ports(1-4) for any OS/2 Warp version(Aug. 2001) 
97 26-05-2002 3953 Kb. 12
An printer update for the Developer Device Drive
r Kit(DDK) - Oct. 10th 2000 
98 02-06-2002 57 Kb. 13
A fix of COM.SYS with an option for PCI combo(se
rial/parallel) cards to find COM ports automatic
ally. MODE.COM included(Nov., 2nd 2001). For
Warp4 FP13+,WSeB,CP,CP2(Apr.,17th 2002) 
99 15-11-2001 521 Kb. 12
An fix to optimize CPPCBE36.EXE in VAC v3.6
(Oct. 23th 2001) 
100 03-01-1995 391 Kb. 10
C Set++ V3 BETA Desktop Rebuild 95/01/03. Contai
ns utility to rebuild C Set++ V3 beta desktop
folder. Does not update config.sys. Use it to
rebuild folder if old one destroyed, or to add
folder for 1st time if beta already on hard

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