File index of OS2SWBBS: OS/2 Warp 3.0 Fixes & Patches page 6

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
51 14-02-1995 539 Kb. 11
Corrective Service Patch for the System Informat
ion Tool that ships in the Warp Bonus  Pak.
 Dated 02-07-1995.  
52 23-03-1995 4 Kb. 56
Warp System Information Tool CSD (SYSINFO.EXE).
Read this first for more information 
53 08-08-1996 2 Kb. 11
SLIPPM -Faxworks AutoReceive workaround. Files
to integrate IBM's Internet Access Kit and FaxWo
rks allowing you to disable FaxWork's auto-recei
ve mode when starting 'SLIPPM.EXE'. 
54 06-12-1995 820 Kb. 9
Bonus Pack System Information Tool update to
level 3.05. 
55 sysinfo.exe 23-03-1995 538 Kb. 17
Warp System Information Tool CSD. This is a
patch for the System Information Tool which
is shipped with the Warp Bonus Pack. 
56 21-11-1998 8093 Kb. 9
TCP/IP 2.0 (os/2 3.0 red or blue spine) updates
in one single zip file. INETVER now reports
2.07m. Includes Y2K fixes. 
57 01-10-1997 53 Kb. 10
Adds TrueType font support to Warp3+FP31. 
58 22-12-1994 21 Kb. 9
Three replacement DLLs for Ultimedia Mail (Ultim
ail) Lite that ships with the Internet Access
Kit (IAK).  Fixes some pipe problems and cut
& paste problems. 
59 un0959b1.dsk 11-12-1996 1437 Kb. 137
TCP/IP V3.1 (WARP Server) Public FixPak UN00959
v3.10 dated 12/09/96. FixPak UN00959 will servic
e TCP/IP V3.0 (WARP Connect) and V3.1 (WARP
Server). WR08210 is a pre-requisite of UN00959.
Disk 1 of 6. 
60 un0959b2.dsk 11-12-1996 1439 Kb. 161
TCP/IP V3.1 (WARP Server) Public FixPak UN00959.
Disk 2 of 6. 

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