File index of OS2SWBBS: OS/2 Warp 3.0 Fixes & Patches page 5

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
41 10-01-1996 80 Kb. 14
APAR PJ19148 For TCP/IP Version 2.0 & OS/2 Warp
42 22-04-1996 964 Kb. 12
PMMERGE.DLL fix from IBM for the VxRexx and
VisPro Rexx Truncation problem in message boxes. 
43 15-04-1996 963 Kb. 12
The PMMERGE.DLL fix for Fix Pack #17. 
44 pn69745.rme 20-04-1996 0 Kb. 113
PN69745 APAR Readme file. 
45 19-04-1995 52 Kb. 13
PN69745 APAR Fix file.  Allows you to run the
TCP/IP v2.0 for OS/2 NFS kit on top of TCP/IP
stack shipped with WARP connect. 
46 readme.apt 20-02-1995 2 Kb. 73
Aptiva Replacement/Upgrade for OS/2 Warp Readme.
Information on how to create the diskettes inclu
ded in the WAPTIV.ZIP package. Please review
this file before downloading WAPTIV.ZIP. Also,
please see the file APTIVA.DOC. 
47 readme.cid 01-06-1997 9 Kb. 103
OS/2 FixPak CID Install Instructions. Instructio
ns for setting up an OS/2 FixPak for CID install
48 05-02-1996 150 Kb. 12
Replace these DLLs in the OS2\DLL folder after
appling ANY of the Warp FIXPACs. They will fix
the bugs introduced in your REXX apps by the
49 s3_964.txt 07-01-1995 1 Kb. 102
Installing S3964 drivers on Warp. Problems insta
lling the S3 drivers for the S3 964 chip on
system with OS/2 v3.0. The install does not
finish and/or the install hangs. 
50 04-01-1995 2 Kb. 14
SHAREFIX v0.1. Covers up a small bug in Warp3
that causes certain programs to complain that
SHARE is not present in your VDM.  If you have
a program that is complaining about SHARE, try
this program. Makes Trade Wars 2002 v3.01 work. 

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