File index of OS2SWBBS: File & Directory Utilities page 32

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
311 30-08-1989 38 Kb. 7
Simple file-manager program.  List Files program
is a simple file manager with a few nice feature
s such as "touching" files (changing date and
time stamps), and a simple file viewer which
runs standalone or from an LF menu. 
312 17-05-1988 22 Kb. 7
Multi-featured dir pgm for OS/2. API design 
313 lftocrlf.lzh 03-11-1993 26 Kb. 66
Program to convert Unix LF delimited files to
OS/2 CR/LF delimited format. Includes source
code. Freeware.  
314 24-07-1995 462 Kb. 9
Lost'n found file search utilities v1.2 
315 08-09-1998 7 Kb. 8
REXX search libpath for duplicate DLLs, locate
316 16-10-1999 220 Kb. 9
Parallel port file-transfer and remote execution
.  LPT tool to transfer files over a parallel
port connection or to execute remote commands
(REXEC) using a LAPLINK style parallel cable
and LZW compression for higher throughput. 
317 22-06-1991 17 Kb. 7
UNIX style directory listing utility under OS/2.
It displays file flags, sizes, dates, and extend
ed attribute sizes, and will recursively list
a directory tree. It is HPFS-aware. Free softwar
e. C source and makefile included. 
318 22-09-2000 37 Kb. 8
Utility to list open files. 
319 08-02-1995 107 Kb. 8
List Man V1.1 95/02/09. Developed for OS/2 Warp
v3, but should run on OS/2 V2.1 or later. Utilit
y that creates a list of file paths & names,
to be read by other programs, including Dos.
Can launch programs & pass filename list to
320 08-12-1997 26 Kb. 7
Lechleitner's Utilities/2 2.00 is a very small
but growing couple of command line file- and
directory-utilites for OS/2. 

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