File index of OS2SWBBS: File & Directory Utilities page 31

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
301 03-06-1995 19 Kb. 7
Version 2.0 - Total face lift to this FREEBIE
 Larger bar graph displays.  VROBJ.DLL needed
but not included. (See REXX file area) 
302 21-12-1998 50 Kb. 6
'touch' utility with extensions. 
303 05-03-2000 35 Kb. 8
LANCOPY.EXE - A program to transfer files with
TCP/IP over LAN without LAN Requester/LAN Server
304 08-12-1990 40 Kb. 8
Updated change directory utility.  Very similar
in function to Norton's NCD. 
305 27-02-1991 17 Kb. 8
Les's Change Directory for OS/2, Revision 6.5.
An OS/2 replacement for the CD command.  LCD
supports both FAT and HPFS. The registered versi
on has a full screen mode similar to that found
in Norton'c NCD for DOS. 
306 lcmd.txt 08-04-2000 10 Kb. 64
Larsen Commander v1.1 readme-file file. 
307 13-08-2000 541 Kb. 8
Larsen Commander 1.1.7 for OS/2. Powerful GUI
File Manager and Command Processor like the
classic Norton Commander. Larsen Commander is
pure GUI, w/built in command line and a scrollab
le monitor. 
308 lcmdkeys.txt 08-04-2000 8 Kb. 65
Keyboard shortcuts in the default Larsen Command
er 1.1 configuration. 
309 13-08-1990 22 Kb. 9
LCOPY version 4.1 for filling floppies. Uploaded
directly from South Africa 
310 29-09-2002 278 Kb. 8
LESS v3.73  with an OS/2 option(see defines.os).
Source included(Jan 14 2002) 

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