Nr. | Filename | Date | Size | Downloads | Description |
131 | | 23-02-1993 | 5 Kb. | 9 | Analyze file/directory space usage on drives. |
132 | | 10-10-2002 | 60 Kb. | 10 | DSK4WPS v1.50 : A tool for building diskettes from LOADDSK, EMT, MIF or DISKIMGE files(Mar 22 1996) |
133 | | 19-12-1995 | 17 Kb. | 11 | PM Disk Space Utility V2.4 95/12. Displays disk/ partition letter, volume label, total, free & used space, & % used. Scan repeatedly for changing space, to include CDs & network drives in totals & to print display contents. Requires VROBJ.DLL. |
134 | | 17-03-1998 | 922 Kb. | 12 | Libraries for DirSync |
135 | | 14-07-1993 | 40 Kb. | 11 | File splitting and joining utils for multiple platforms. |
136 | | 27-02-1996 | 83 Kb. | 12 | DiskStat PLUS! Drive space monitor. Full featu red demo. |
137 | | 30-06-1996 | 22 Kb. | 11 | Displays information about your disk drives. Report: Volume, filesystem, local/remote, tot size, free, usage. Version 1.05. |
138 | | 06-11-1991 | 15 Kb. | 10 | Directory sort program for DOS & OS/2 (bound). Sorts file names (but not directory names) and rewrites them back to the directory using standa rd API calls. Will also work on network directo ries. Similar to Norton's DS program (batch mode). |
139 | | 29-04-1993 | 72 Kb. | 11 | Gather directory usage statistics like Unix du command. |
140 | | 03-12-1989 | 30 Kb. | 12 | Directory, disk, & mem info. Quick & neat |