Nr. | Filename | Date | Size | Downloads | Description |
121 | | 06-02-1992 | 72 Kb. | 10 | Directory Manager PM ver 1.1d |
122 | | 27-09-1992 | 19 Kb. | 13 | "Directory Size Information" v1.0 by Keith Ledbe tter for OS/2 2.0+ allows you to easily determin e the total size (in both files and bytes) of any directory. Supports FAT or HPFS. Free. |
123 | | 24-02-1994 | 16 Kb. | 10 | Drivebook is a PM Notebook which gives the user information on system hard drive space (MB disk capacity, MB used and MB free with percentages/g raphs). Handy for a quick check of drive space when installing apps. |
124 | | 08-02-1995 | 34 Kb. | 10 | A directory Sort utility. |
125 | | 24-11-1998 | 72 Kb. | 11 | This program compares files in first (left windo w) directory with files in second (right window) directory. Tests files for this events : not exit, size, time. |
126 | | 14-08-1990 | 35 Kb. | 10 | A better DIR two columns, more options, more info... |
127 | | 11-05-1994 | 731 Kb. | 10 | DSCOPY synchronizes the contents of two director y structures, copying newer versions of files over older versions based on the file's date/tim e stamp. Both PM and command line versions avail able and supports both HPFS and FAT. |
128 | | 06-02-1994 | 16 Kb. | 10 | Directory Size Utility - V1.3 - 16Bit DOS+OS2. Lists directories with file counts and total sizes on one or more disks. Version 1.3 adds performance enhancements over 1.2 This file is Bound for 16bit OS/2 or DOS. |
129 | | 06-02-1994 | 14 Kb. | 12 | DSIZE Ver 1.3 - 32BIT Directory size lister. Lists directories with the total count and size of all files on one or more drives. Version 1.3 is a performance improvement over 1.2. |
130 | | 29-12-1994 | 25 Kb. | 12 | Directory Size Utility Version 1.5 94/12/29. Count & totals size for one or more disks. Repor ts file count, total size & directory names. Options for multiple drives & different sort sequences. Includes text file of documentation. |