File index of OS2SWBBS: CD-ROM, SCSI, Comm, & Misc Drivers page 3

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
21 22-09-1993 39 Kb. 9
Ultrastor 24F EISA SCSI control OS/2 drivers. 
22 17-02-1993 11 Kb. 9
Ultrastor 24F SCSI device driver for OS/2 2.x 
23 24-01-1994 26 Kb. 10
Adaptec AHA274x(EISA)/284x(VLB) SCSI adapter
24 08-06-1992 8 Kb. 10
Mouse.sys for 2.0 from IBM that's twice as fast.
This works on PS/2 mouse ports only. Not for
ISA machines. 
25 309k.doc 18-07-1994 22 Kb. 64
Digiboard Install manual for PC/X-MC/X OS/2
driver (304K.ZIP) 
26 18-04-1994 62 Kb. 9
Digiboard OS/2 driver v2.0.1 rel 4/28/94 for
PC/X & MC/X 4/8/16 port non-intelligent boards
& Modem/X 4/8 Port Modem Card using OS/2 1.0-2.X
27 10-08-1997 422 Kb. 11
32 bit device and IFS support driver. Provides
32 bit kernel services (DevHelp) and utility
functions to 32 bit ring 0 code (device drivers
and installable file system drivers). v.1.70
28 24-06-1994 67 Kb. 11
DTC VL-BUS IDE Drivers. Drivers from Data Techno
logy Corp. for their VESA local bus IDE controll
er card. Incl drivers for  OS/2, DOS, Windows,
Windows NT and Netware. For all VL-BUS IDE cards
with the DTC chip set. 
29 08-09-1994 78 Kb. 10
Enhanced IDE Driver set (32 bit) for the DTC2290
EISA/IDE Hard Disk Controller. 
30 336pnpnt.txt 16-08-1997 3 Kb. 93
Readme for 

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