File index of OS2SWBBS: CD-ROM, SCSI, Comm, & Misc Drivers page 13

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
121 29-06-1995 121 Kb. 11
Prometheus Audio Device Driver (ARIA16) Aptiva
Installation, v1.1 dated 06/30/95. This package
contains the Aria16 audio device drivers for
OS/2 on an IBM Aptiva.  See the README for insta
ll instructions. Version 1.1 contains an updated
122 29-12-1993 37 Kb. 11
ARNET SmartPort Plus drivers for OS/2 2.x. 
123 10-04-1995 9 Kb. 11
ArtPad Device Driver for Pen for OS/2 95/04/10.
Latest 'n Greatest IBM Pen for OS/2 device drive
r (4/95) for the Wacom ArtPad (model KT-0405-R). 
124 08-03-1996 29 Kb. 9
AdvanSys OS/2 Universal Driver that supports
all the AdvanSys SCSI adapters for OS/2 2.x
and Warp releases.  This includes the busmaster
SCSI adapter that is included with the HP SureSt
or 4020i CD-ROM writer. 
125 16-08-2000 9 Kb. 10
OS/2 ASPI Device Manager (OS2ASPI.DMD) v10.42
(July, 19th, 2000) 
126 11-06-1994 3 Kb. 11
ASPI Driver for HP ScanJet IIp under WIN/OS2
Works with Version 2.1 and Warp.  
127 08-02-2002 5 Kb. 11
ASPIROUT.SYS v1.1 beta 5 - An updated version
of Daniel Dorau's Aspi Router device driver.
It is designed to support simultaneous access
to the driver from more than 1 process (currentl
y limited to 4 in this Beta version) - Nov.,
16th 2001 
128 25-01-2003 8 Kb. 11
ASPIROUT.SYS v1.1 beta 6 - A replacement for
OS2API.DMD. A debugger ASPIDBUG.EXE is included(
Jan 13 2003) 
129 25-07-1999 129 Kb. 11
ASPI Router device driver - Full source code 
130 02-12-2000 4 Kb. 8
AspiRout v1.1 beta 3 - A full compatible driver
for ASPIROUT.SYS from Daniel Dorau (Dec. 2000) 

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