File index of OS2SWBBS: CD-ROM, SCSI, Comm, & Misc Drivers page 12

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
111 05-04-1996 20 Kb. 11
ALI IDE drivers. 
112 am2os21.exe 18-06-1995 558 Kb. 24
Actionmedia OS2 device driver v1.2 1/2 
113 am2os22.exe 18-06-1995 450 Kb. 20
Actionmedia OS2 device driver v1.2 2/2 
114 21-02-1996 15 Kb. 9
AMD PCI SCSI driver. 
115 22-11-1993 23 Kb. 10
AMI SCSI Driver for OS/2 2.1 from AMI BBS. 
116 14-09-2000 741 Kb. 10
AMouse v1.0 - Driver for mice with wheel functio
n. Works with Logitech Pilot Mouse+, Logitech
Mouse Man+, Microsoft Intellimouse, IBM Scroll-P
aint Mouse. 
117 02-02-2003 982 Kb. 11
Amouse v2.2  driver works with all standard
mice and a wheel: Logitech, IBM Scrollpoint,
Typhoon 40159, Trust 250S, USB, MS Intellimouse(
Dec 27 2002) 
118 09-03-2000 398 Kb. 9
Analog OS/2 1881 sound card driver. 
119 04-04-1995 11 Kb. 11
Driver for APA-460 SlimSCSI & WARP 95/04/04.
Updated version of Adaptec APA-460 SlimSCSI
PCMCIA SCSI adapter driver for WARP that will
work with all revisions of the APA-460. Beta
2 release. 
120 06-11-2001 9 Kb. 11
APM.SYS build 9.33 - The IBM device driver for
Advanced Power Management (March 29th 2001) 

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