File index of OS2SWBBS: Communication Programs page 10

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
91 03-04-1997 105 Kb. 8
Gateway to allow remote computer to send faxes
from a server on the internet running FaxWorks. 
92 15-08-1995 266 Kb. 9
Monitor your BBS or FAX dir page if new fax
93 07-02-1997 518 Kb. 7
Phone cost calculator for german Telekom custome
94 17-09-1992 222 Kb. 8
Utility to use with PMHPO and the OS2BBS to
read the conferences offline. 
95 forums.cmd 19-05-1995 2 Kb. 100
Forum List Cleanup. This REXX procedure will
remove all entries from the GCP FORUMS.LST file
that do not contain the word "FORUM". Allows
to view all CSERVE forums in Add Forums dialog.
Will also speed up loading of the forum listbox. 
96 19-06-1994 195 Kb. 7
Hostmode Terminal Program for TNC2 (Terminal
Node controler) Amateur Packet Radio Only. 
97 26-01-1994 359 Kb. 8
AFMOSCOM is a uniquely designed open COM engine,
split into two parts: the terminal emulation
(client) and the common central server. 
98 08-02-1994 9 Kb. 8
Routine which changes file type EAs 
99 fxdlr7.exe 29-11-1999 15 Kb. 26
Reject long distance fax calls unless a special
code is used. When this program is running on
the same machine as the fax program, it causes
the fax program to reject fax numbers of more
than 7 digits. 
100 09-06-1997 245 Kb. 8
Send faxes via internet using Faxworks Pro.
FxEmail is stand alone SMTP client on sending
side and helper app on receiving end. OREXX. 

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