File index of OS2SWBBS: Communication Programs page 8

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
71 12-12-1994 102 Kb. 9
Signature/2 create individ. e-mail sig. 94/12/12
. creates individual text string from user defin
ed file & a quote database. can be expanded.
created signature may be used in dos, windows
& OS/2 applications as is inserted from OS/2
72 dmbmode2.lzh 24-06-1992 16 Kb. 77
Re-Compiled version of DUMBMODE, accepts a port
parameter (I.EDUMBMODE 
73 09-10-1990 18 Kb. 9
Dump Pmcomm phone list to stdout. 
74 14-04-1996 6 Kb. 9
Automated GCP catalog scanner for updating. 
75 09-08-2002 117 Kb. 10
Doors/2 v5 beta 3 - The Door Programming Library
76 15-08-1996 518 Kb. 7
ISDN OS/2 Configurator for the USRobotics Courie
r I-Modem. Requires VROBJ.DLL ver'D' included
in this zip file. Unzip with INFO- 
77 14-03-1991 11 Kb. 9
Use with OS/2 2.0 SDK to set COM16x50.SYS before
78 01-04-1991 80 Kb. 10
Easel for OS/2 program to upload to PROFS. Auto
logon to PROFS, option to store in PROFS  databa
se and mail. Source included.  
79 25-03-1993 153 Kb. 9
IBM EWS OS/2 Entry Level 3270 Emulation Program 
80 23-06-1992 181 Kb. 10
Elite-IMS OS/2 2.0 multi-line information servic
e software. Graphical Interface, 32-bit performa
nce, Forums, Information Sections, Mail, Multi-u
ser Interactive "Talk", more. 

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