File index of OS2SWBBS: Communication Programs page 15

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
141 isdnprim.txt 17-10-1994 6 Kb. 75
Instl instrctns for ISDN prim adpt & sv 
142 23-08-1997 2156 Kb. 8
ISDN Watcher/2 is an application to register
incoming phone calls over an ISDN line and outgo
ing phone calls over a phone facility. 
143 20-10-1991 13 Kb. 7
External KERMIT driver for TE/2. 
144 22-02-1996 162 Kb. 7
KL-DIR is a utility to overcome the lack of
automated directory listing requests in the
cc:MAIL Mobile product. 
145 kwq12i.exe 16-12-1994 240 Kb. 26
KWQ Mail/2, Version 1.2i. 32bit QWK mail reader
for OS/2 PM. Fixes Warp print + clipboard proble
ms. Ignore version 1.2h.  
146 13-09-1995 22 Kb. 7
Lexon 1a: Access Lexis via OS/2 comm app 95/09/1
3. Allows access Lexis from comm app "ZOC",
enter user ID, identify matter or client, select
library, conduct search, "mark" documents for
printing, & download to a capture file. 
147 11-01-1990 101 Kb. 6
LogiCOMM version 2.30.  Updated Logicomm ZIP
file with newer documentation, etc., but EXE
is identical to version 2.20.  Shareware ($35). 
148 30-07-1989 10 Kb. 8
Logicomm chat utility. 
149 10-11-1996 21 Kb. 7
LogPiler v1.0 - Calculates phone costs of ISDNPM
150 22-04-1994 363 Kb. 9
LiveWire 2.2 GA.  Great Comm. Program (OS2)
Many fixes, and new features (new Zmodem) Must
have Shareware. 4/22 executable. 

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