File index of OS2SWBBS: BBS and FidoNet Programs page 5

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
41 22-04-1996 14 Kb. 12
AdeptFile v0.50 file lister that is a great
improvement upon the default lister from AdeptSo
42 afinst! 20-02-1996 10 Kb. 11
ALLFIX! for WildCat! Icon Install Utility 
43 20-02-1996 10 Kb. 12
ALLFIX for OS/2 Icon Install Utility 
44 14-02-1996 6 Kb. 10
ALLFIX for DOS Icon Installation Utility 
45 19-12-1994 49 Kb. 12
AFIX V0.44 An EchoArea Manager by Jesper Brondum
, supports Squish, autocreate, autolink and
maintenance by downlinks. 
46 03-07-1995 29 Kb. 12
ADPFLIST V1.0.  Creates All-/NewFiles-List from
47 afp_130a.lzh 10-02-1992 61 Kb. 88
Docs & Exe for AreaFix Beta 1.20a, OS/2 mode. 
48 27-12-1997 101 Kb. 11
Automates ftp transfers. Binkleyterm support.
AutoFTP v1 is an internet ftp program which
integrates with Binkleyterm, but can be used
standalone as well. Freeware. 
49 22-12-1992 7 Kb. 12
REXX script to automate the HATCHing of files,
version 2.2 
50 11-08-1995 2 Kb. 11
REXX program for AdeptXBBS that beeps at the
local screen to alert sysops of users that have
just logged on to the system.  

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