File index of OS2SWBBS: Archive Utilities page 10

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
91 01-03-1999 284 Kb. 12
Email Ware Front end to Tar.exe, Gzip.exe unzip.
exe support (Objec Rexx Version). 
92 12-11-1990 194 Kb. 11
Portable Archive Interchange; reads and writes
tar and cpio format files under OS/2.  Source
93 pkos2250.exe 02-06-1997 301 Kb. 24
PKZIP 2.50 for OS/2 runs as a 32-bit native
application under OS/2 Version 2 or later. 
 Features include spanning, 32-bit CRC, keyword
encryption, OS/2 self-extracting files, a new
format of more intuitive commands and options,
and more. 
94 pkz102_2.exe 14-10-1990 252 Kb. 26
Version 1.02 of PKZIP/UNZIP for OS/2.  Protected
mode and bound versions of Phil Katz's famous
PKZIP and PKUNZIP file compression and decompres
sion utilities and relating programs and documen
95 14-05-1992 293 Kb. 12
OS/2 PM interface for PKZIP2/PKUNZIP2.  Includes
a complete superset of the files in PKZ102_2.EXE
96 05-08-1994 95 Kb. 11
zipmeister v0.1 -- graphical zip/unzip utility. 
97 01-04-1997 619 Kb. 12
ZIP shell and CDROM manager for Info-Zip's Zip/U
98 16-12-1994 653 Kb. 13
PMZipper 1.4 ZIP,UNZIP,Drag & Drop,Checkout.
OS/2 PM. Add,extract,delete,create and view.
WARP 3.0 revision. Archive utility.  
99 19-12-1992 88 Kb. 12
PMZIP 1.01 *BETA* ZIP shell for OS/2 that suppor
ts View, Add, Delete, and Extract functions. 
100 10-04-1990 17 Kb. 13
PolyXARC 2.0, OS/2 version 

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