File index of OS2SWBBS: Archive Utilities page 11

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
101 prar206p.exe 30-01-2000 273 Kb. 22
Rar Polish language version 2.06 for OS/2. 
102 pxos221a.lzh 12-05-1991 37 Kb. 84
PolyXArc, Un-compress everything, v2.1A. 
103 rar250p.exe 21-05-1999 258 Kb. 24
RAR for OS/2, v2.50. RAR is a general purpose
archiving and compression program competing
with/replacing programs such as PKZip, ARJ and
104 20-05-2002 333 Kb. 13
RAR v3.00 beta 7 - A tool to compress/decompress
files with extenion RAR(*.RAR) - May 2002 This
is a shareware version. See: 
105 03-07-2003 361 Kb. 11
RAR v3.20 beta 1 - A tool to compress/decompress
files with extension RAR for OS/2 and DOS(Mar
23 2003) 
106 10-06-2002 42 Kb. 11
RAREAD v2.0 - A tool to copy an image to a diske
tte. The file size is up to 2.88 MB(June, 10th
107 rarx260.exe 31-01-2000 254 Kb. 26
Rar-32 version 2.6 for DOS and OS/2. 
108 11-06-2003 48 Kb. 13
RAWRITE v2.0 for OS/2 and DOS to copy a diskette
image file to a diskette(Jun 10 2000) 
109 11-01-2003 5 Kb. 11
Read Disk utility, stores disk to a raw binary
file. Usage:  ReadDsk <DriveLetter>: <FilePath> 
110 01-12-2000 23 Kb. 14
REPACK.EXE v1.0 - A utility for repacking packed
segments of a module 

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