File index of fsxNet BBS Utils, Tools, Networking etc. page 5

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41 29-07-2020 127 Kb. 46
  \\     /                            //
   _\   /   /   /   /    / __/   /   /
  /      __/   /   /____/  \      __/jp!
//____/    \__    / ___/   /___/    \
==== /______\/   /==\_____// =/______\\==
        BLTCRT // Python3 // Lib.
 Create cross platform apps/utils in
 Python3, with a console/terminal look
 and feel! You can easily write a MPY
 (Mystic BBS) MPY and with BLTCRT make
 it a standalone app with the same look.
 You can use any .ttf font for the apps,
 like, DOS, Topaz, P0t-NOodle etc. Fonts
42 01-09-2020 13 Kb. 52
PowerClean Log File Sanitizer v1.00
Programming by Robert Wolfe <robert.wolfe@robert
Originally Written and Compiled Using PowerBASIC
Code and Binary are in the Public Domain.
Includes original compile log! 
43 05-09-2020 2019 Kb. 24
-+---- - -+- -  -        .    .   - --+-- - ----
 :`                        __                 ':
 .         ___  __________/  |________          
           \  \/  / ____/\   __\_  __ \         
            >    < <_|  | |  |  |  | \/
 .         /__/\_ \__   | |__|  |__|            
 :               \/  |__|                       
 [:.                                           ,
-+--- -  .  -.- .    - ---+-- -  -   -  .   - --
 [.               Blocker v2.1                 `
-+-- -   .  -   -  - --+--- -    . -.-  .  - ---
 ; Blocker is a telnet client to use under any  
 . linux terminal, supporting ANSI graphics. It 
 : offers many unique features like:            
 : = capture ansi screens from bbs              
 : = import syncterm phonebook                  
 : = easy sort/search phonebook                 
 . = automatic import bbs list from             
 : = music packages for BBSes!!!                
 . = find links/data via the use of RegExpr.    
 . = ...and run a default application ex. http  
 ;   links                                       
44 23-10-2020 2 Kb. 39
Add API data to any file/screen, with ANSI color
Python 3 example script grabs headlines from
News API, formats and saves to an ANSI file.
Python 3 required 
45 xq-jam2rss.ZIP 31-07-2019 13 Kb. 60
-+---- - -+- -  -        .    .   - --+-- - ----
 :`                        __                 ':
 .         ___  __________/  |________          
           \  \/  / ____/\   __\_  __ \         
            >    < <_|  | |  |  |  | \/
 .         /__/\_ \__   | |__|  |__|            
 :               \/  |__|                       
 [:.                                           ,
-+--- -  .  -.- .    - ---+-- -  -   -  .   - --
 [.            JAM2RSS Feed Creator            `
-+-- -   .  -   -  - --+--- -    . -.-  .  - ---
 ; a python3 script to create rss feeds from a  
 . jam message base. you can create multiple    
 : feeds via configuration file. use the rss    
 ; feeds with the www capabilities of your bbs  
 + --   -   -  - --          -- - -+- -  -   -   
46 08-12-2020 36 Kb. 41
  \\     /                            //
   _\   /   /   /   /    / __/   /   /
  /      __/   /   /____/  \      __/jp!
//____/    \__    / ___/   /___/    \
==== /______\/   /==\_____// =/______\\==
    convert TDF to SpriteEngine file
  this is a python3 script to convert
  TDF files, into files compatible with
  the SpriteEngine //
  it supports BLOCK and COLOR type of
  TDF fonts and also converts files,
  that contain multiple fonts.
47 17-11-2021 16 Kb. 20
AVATAR MOD v5 - For Talisman BBS v0.32
Synchronet Style Avatar support
for Talisman!
Requires Talisman v0.32 or later
by apam! 
48 18-11-2021 473 Kb. 20
   RR        RR CC             SS
   RR      RR   CC                     SS
              Official Release
       Mys Tic File Announce v4.1.1
            Bug Fix Release
    Simple program to generate new file
    reports based on incoming TIC files
   Simply copy TIC files into a separate
  directory, and let MTAFILE do its work
  This archive contains both a Win32 and
            Linux64 executable
   Huge re-write which caused huge speed
   increase! Many bug fixes, and removed
       some amateur coding mistakes.
 RCS - Bringing useful modifications to the 
49 22-11-2021 1 Kb. 20
TOP 5 MOD v1 - For Talisman BBS v0.33
Display's the TOP 5 users on your BBS
by downloads, uploads, msgs, calls and
doors played. Excludes the Sysop.
Requires Talisman v0.33 or later
by apam! 
50 nr21_w64.rar 25-12-2021 1261 Kb. 22
| NetRunner v2.00 BETA 20    Windows 64-bit |
| Free SDL2-based telnet/rlogin/ssh client  |
| for ANSI BBS emulation.  Batch Zmodem,    |
| scripting, iCE and XTERM color, DOS and   |
| Amiga font switching, mouse, and more.    |

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