File index of fsxNet BBS Utils, Tools, Networking etc. page 4

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
31 09-05-2019 253 Kb. 21
MultiMail offline reader source, v0.52 -
Reads Blue Wave, QWK, OMEN & SOUP packets.
This is the C++ source code. Freeware,
GPL'ed. For Unix, DOS, OS/2, Windows, etc.;
curses; PKZIP or InfoZip. 
32 08-05-2019 329 Kb. 20
-+---- - -+- -  -        .    .   - --+-- - ----
 :`                        __                 ':
 .         ___  __________/  |________          
           \  \/  / ____/\   __\_  __ \         
            >    < <_|  | |  |  |  | \/
 .         /__/\_ \__   | |__|  |__|            
 :               \/  |__|                       
 [:.                                           ,
-+--- -  .  -.- .    - ---+-- -  -   -  .   - --
 [.             ANSI Frames v1.0               `
-+-- -   .  -   -  - --+--- -    . -.-  .  - ---
 ; A small utility to make transitions from one 
 . ansi screen to another with cool effects!    
 :                                linux 64b/rpi 
 + --   -   -  - --          -- - -+- -  -   -   
33 30-05-2019 2157 Kb. 45
-+---- - -+- -  -        .    .   - --+-- - ----
 :`                        __                 ':
 .         ___  __________/  |________          
           \  \/  / ____/\   __\_  __ \         
            >    < <_|  | |  |  |  | \/
 .         /__/\_ \__   | |__|  |__|            
 :               \/  |__|                       
 [:.                                           ,
-+--- -  .  -.- .    - ---+-- -  -   -  .   - --
 [.           xANSIViewer for Linux            `
-+-- -   .  -   -  - --+--- -    . -.-  .  - ---
 ; a quick and dirty ansi viewer program for    
 . linux machines (x64). supports ansi files up 
 : to 132 chars width, jpg, png, bmp files,     
 ; exports ansi to png and supports multiple    
 : palletes.                                    
 + --   -   -  - --          -- - -+- -  -   -   
34 20-06-2019 1706 Kb. 48
-+---- - -+- -  -        .    .   - --+-- - ----
 :`                        __                 ':
 .         ___  __________/  |________          
           \  \/  / ____/\   __\_  __ \         
            >    < <_|  | |  |  |  | \/
 .         /__/\_ \__   | |__|  |__|            
 :               \/  |__|                       
 [:.                                           ,
-+--- -  .  -.- .    - ---+-- -  -   -  .   - --
 [.             Blocker v2.0 Alpha             `
-+-- -   .  -   -  - --+--- -    . -.-  .  - ---
 ; Blocker is a telnet client to use under any  
 . linux terminal, supporting ANSI graphics. It 
 : offers many unique features that other apps  
 ; don't, like: take ANSI snapshots, import     
 : Syncterm phonebook, macros, tags/quotes, the 
 ; autotext feature, download BBS list from BBS 
 : Index website and also music/sound!          
 .                                    linux/64b 
 + --   -   -  - --          -- - -+- -  -   -   
35 27-06-2019 3 Kb. 36
.______ ________ _____ _________ ______.
|__(==_ \______ \     /   _____/ _==)__|
|!:==/   |    |  \    \_____  \   \==:!|
|!:=/    |    `   \   /        \   \=:!|
|!:/    /_______  /  /_______  /    \:!|
|!    >> diskshop!bbs presents <<     !|
|:.      >[ binkd-stats 1.1 ]<         |
|                                      |
|   a simple  BinkD log analyzer and   |
|  report generator.  written in perl  |
|                                      |
|                                      |
|     (released on june 27th 2019)   .:|
|__( +      + )__| 
36 14-07-2019 7 Kb. 52
-+---- - -+- -  -        .    .   - --+-- - ----
 :`                        __                 ':
 .         ___  __________/  |________          
           \  \/  / ____/\   __\_  __ \         
            >    < <_|  | |  |  |  | \/
 .         /__/\_ \__   | |__|  |__|            
 :               \/  |__|                       
 [:.                                           ,
-+--- -  .  -.- .    - ---+-- -  -   -  .   - --
 [.       terminal client for        `
-+-- -   .  -   -  - --+--- -    . -.-  .  - ---
 ;  this is a python3 script for connecting to  
 . site via ftp. you can use it in    
 : any linux bbs system to allow your visitors  
 ; to browse 16clrs via your bbs or just for u  
 : to connect to it, via terminal in linux, pi, 
 ' windows, android etc.                        
 + --   -   -  - --          -- - -+- -  -   -   
37 25-10-2019 1452 Kb. 51
A Telnet/SSH client for BBSes
 * Passwords Securely Stored
 * ZModem Capable
 * Clickable Links
 * Font Changing
 * iCE Colour Compatible
  Win32 Installer Inside. 
38 26-10-2019 3345 Kb. 47
A Telnet/SSH client for BBSes
 * Passwords Securely Stored
 * ZModem Capable
 * Clickable Links
 * Font Changing
 * iCE Colour Compatible
     macOS DMG Inside. 
39 13-08-2019 40 Kb. 23
-+---- - -+- -  -        .    .   - --+-- - ----
 :`                        __                 ':
 .         ___  __________/  |________          
           \  \/  / ____/\   __\_  __ \         
            >    < <_|  | |  |  |  | \/
 .         /__/\_ \__   | |__|  |__|            
 :               \/  |__|                       
 [:.                                           ,
-+--- -  .  -.- .    - ---+-- -  -   -  .   - --
 [.             RSS Feed Reader                `
-+-- -   .  -   -  - --+--- -    . -.-  .  - ---
 . add as many rss feeds you want and let users 
 : read them from inside your bbs! sysops can   
 ; add feeds on the fly                         
 :                                    python3   
 + --   -   -  - --          -- - -+- -  -   -   
40 12-11-2019 14 Kb. 53
-+---- - -+- -  -        .    .   - --+-- - ----
 :`                        __                 ':
 .         ___  __________/  |________          
           \  \/  / ____/\   __\_  __ \         
            >    < <_|  | |  |  |  | \/
 .         /__/\_ \__   | |__|  |__|            
 :               \/  |__|                       
 [:.                                           ,
-+--- -  .  -.- .    - ---+-- -  -   -  .   - --
 [.     torrent site scraper / downloader      `
-+-- -   .  -   -  - --+--- -    . -.-  .  - ---
 ; a python3 script, to search a TPB like site  
 . for torrents and also get and save the magnet
 : links. you can add this to your bbs or other 
 ; type of system to create a torrent downloader
 : system                                       
 + --   -   -  - --          -- - -+- -  -   -   

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