File index of fsxNet BBS Utils, Tools, Networking etc. page 2

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
11 23-10-2018 191 Kb. 22
                       ggg    .
    ,,   aaa  .,aaa,,  $$$ee,o$b $$$eea,.
   $$$ # $$$ $$$'''$$$ %$$  `$$P $$$``$$$l
   `$$o.d$$' $$$---$$$ $$$------ $$$- -$$$
    .oeee$o. $$$ # $$$ $$$ ##... $$$ ## ..
   $$$P-4$$$ `$$---$$$ $$$---.o$ $$$------
   $$$ # S$$  `Y$" $$$ ^$$a.a$$' $$$
               ANSi Image Analyzer
  this utility analyzes an ansi image and
exports data in csv format. its used to built a
database with information about ansi files. it
can characterize a file if it uses low or high
ascii chars, what colors are most used, what is
the main color of the image, how many colors
does it use, exports sauce info and an md5 hash
of the file, for unique identification of the
                               LiNuX 32BiT Ver.
12 17-11-2018 269 Kb. 59
\\\\\\  \\\     \\\\\\\ \\\\\\\ \\\\\\\
[ \\ [\ [ [     [ \\\ [ [ \\\\[ [ [_ \[
[ \\\ [ [ [\\\\ [ [\[ [ [ [\\\\ [ \ _[\
[\\\\\[ [\\\\\[ [\\\\\[ [\\\\\[ [\[[\\[
        \\\\\\\ \\\\\\\ \\\\\\\
        [ \\\ [ [ \\\ [ [\\ \\[
        [ \\\ [ [ \ \\[   [ [
        [\[ [\[ [\[\\\[   [\[ v1.2A1
Another ANSI Editor for the Scene. With
BlockArt you can:
~ Use Layers
~ Use TheDraw Fonts, alter them and
  even create new ones
~ 3 different text write styles
  [elite, case fx, fade fx]
~ Draw lines, circles, save selection,
  fill selection, draw 3d boxes etc.
~ Copy/Paste blocks
~ Tools to make quick changes like
  recoloring image, filling lines
  with char and more
~ Import GameBoy and NES graphics from
  ROM files 
13 03-12-2018 2 Kb. 22
    Inter BBS Oneliners
      for Synchronet
  Compatible with Gryphon's
  interbbs onliners mystic
14 06-01-2019 8 Kb. 33
| ANSIU 019x01 |
| displays ANS |
| on utf Linux |
|   console    |
15 29-01-2019 158 Kb. 62
-+---- - -+- -  -        .    .   - --+-- - ----
 :`                        __                 :]
 .         ___  __________/  |________
           \  \/  / ____/\   __\_  __ \
            >    < <_|  | |  |  |  | \/
 .         /__/\_ \__   | |__|  |__|
 :               \/  |__|
 [:.                                           ,
-+--- -  .  -.- .    - ---+-- -  -   -  .   - --
 [.           SDL2CRT FreePascal Unit          `
-+-- -   .  -   -  - --+--- -    . -.-  .  - ---
 . Source code for an implementation of the CRT
 : unit in SDL2.
 : Write your own "console" apps in GUI envir.
 . like Windows, Linux/X11, MacOS etc.
 + --   -   -  - --          -- - -+- -  -   - 
16 nr20b186.rar 17-02-2019 121 Kb. 22
| NetRunner v2.00 BETA 18      Linux 64-bit |
| Free SDL2-based telnet client  for  BBSes |
| ANSI  BBS  emulation,  batch  ZModem  and |
| Zmodem  8KB  including  batch  uploads,   |
| scripting language,  macros,  multi phone |
| books, book sorting, mTelnet and SyncTerm |
| book  inporting,  5000  line  scrollback, |
| original DOS and  Amiga fonts  with  auto |
| font  switching.  ANSI  mouse  driven  UI |
|  designed  by Grymmjack coded by g00r00!  |
17 nr20b18w.rar 17-02-2019 447 Kb. 23
| NetRunner v2.00 BETA 18    Windows 32-bit |
| Free SDL2-based telnet client  for  BBSes |
| ANSI  BBS  emulation,  batch  ZModem  and |
| Zmodem  8KB  including  batch  uploads,   |
| scripting language,  macros,  multi phone |
| books, book sorting, mTelnet and SyncTerm |
| book  inporting,  5000  line  scrollback, |
| original DOS and  Amiga fonts  with  auto |
| font  switching.  ANSI  mouse  driven  UI |
|  designed  by Grymmjack coded by g00r00!  |
18 nr20b18l.rar 17-02-2019 115 Kb. 24
| NetRunner v2.00 BETA 18      Linux 32-bit |
| Free SDL2-based telnet client  for  BBSes |
| ANSI  BBS  emulation,  batch  ZModem  and |
| Zmodem  8KB  including  batch  uploads,   |
| scripting language,  macros,  multi phone |
| books, book sorting, mTelnet and SyncTerm |
| book  inporting,  5000  line  scrollback, |
| original DOS and  Amiga fonts  with  auto |
| font  switching.  ANSI  mouse  driven  UI |
|  designed  by Grymmjack coded by g00r00!  |
19 17-02-2019 2587 Kb. 51
D'Bridge 3.99/SR41 Standard Edition 
20 17-02-2019 2587 Kb. 24
D'Bridge 3.99/SR41 GoldBase Edition 

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