File index of fsxNet BBS Utils, Tools, Networking etc.

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
1 25-05-2018 178 Kb. 26
NetFoss 1.19R - Windows Telnet FOSSIL driver
Fast 32-bit FOSSIL driver for Windows 10, 8,
7, Vista, XP, 200x. Allows DOS BBS software
to connect over Telnet or Serial connections
and run both DOS and Win32 (DOOR32) doors.
Now includes bugfixed Net2BBS version 1.20b8.
Freeware from PC Micro -+-
2 12-06-2018 525 Kb. 57
        ___  __________/  |________
        \  \/  / ____/\   __\_  __ \
         >    < <_|  | |  |  |  | \/
        /__/\_ \__   | |__|  |__|
              \/  |__|
           JAM Base Analyzer v0.2
This is a Linux (l32/rpi) application to view
JAM Base files and also analyze and extract info
from them. Supports search with Regular
Expressions, extract PGP Keys and UUEncoded
                            .oO0( xqtr )0Oo. 
3 31-05-2018 207 Kb. 39
            Mys Tic File Announce
             Linux/Ubuntu Version
                31 May 2018
Simple program to generate new file reports
      based on the incoming TIC files
   Simply copy TIC files into a seperate
  announcement directory, and let mtafile
  do its work. It takes two command line
  parameters: location of directory where
 TIC files are located, and name of your BBS
             RCS CRBBS(2017-18)
4 31-05-2018 82 Kb. 27
            Mys Tic File Announce
              Windows Version
                31 May 2018
Simple program to generate new file reports
      based on the incoming TIC files
   Simply copy TIC files into a seperate
  announcement directory, and let mtafile
  do its work. It takes two command line
  parameters: location of directory where
 TIC files are located, and name of your BBS
             RCS CRBBS(2017-18)
5 04-06-2018 267 Kb. 37
   M A G I T E R M    v0.4
 MagiTerm is an SSH terminal
 program for bulletin  board
   * Uploading / Downloading
     via lrzsz.
   * Basic font changing.
   * Free and Open Source
       Source Version 
6 04-06-2018 1273 Kb. 59
MagiTerm w32 v0.03
Experimental SSH BBS Terminal 
7 05-06-2018 589 Kb. 67
      __  _          __ _          _  __
______\ \_\\_________\///_________//_/ /______
\___\                                    /___/
 | .__                   __                 |
 | |     ___  __________/  |________        |
 |       \  \/  / ____/\   __\_  __ \       |
 ;        >    < <_|  | |  |  |  | \/       ;
 :       /__/\_ \__   | |__|  |__|          :
 .             \/  |__|                     .
 .                                          .
 ` --- --  -   . -  --  --  ---  - . - -- --
            ANSI Hex Dump Util.
 . --- --  - . -  --- --_  ---  - . - -- --
 Reverse engineer any bin file with this
 nifty utility. Colorize record types and
 view the data in a more helpful and easy to
 guess way, from the terminal.
 . --- --  - . -  --- ---  ---  - . - -- -- 
8 11-06-2018 493 Kb. 25
MultiMail offline reader for Windows, v0.51 -
Reads Blue Wave, QWK, OMEN & SOUP packets. A
64-bit Windows console app. Freeware, GPL'ed.
C++ source is available in 
9 01-10-2018 263 Kb. 24
        ___  __________/  |________
        \  \/  / ____/\   __\_  __ \
         >    < <_|  | |  |  |  | \/
        /__/\_ \__   | |__|  |__|
              \/  |__|
               TDF Studio 1.10
A small application to preview TDF Font Files
in your system, with out the need of DosBox and
TheDraw. You can also:
.oO Extract Font Sets
.Oo Merge Font Files
.oO Save the displayed text to .ANS file
.oO Change/Write your text to display
.oO Supports files with multiple fonts
.oO Browse easily for files
.oO Recolor fonts
                                  Linux 32b ver.
                            .oO0( xqtr )0Oo. 
10 23-10-2018 218 Kb. 34
                       ggg    .
    ,,   aaa  .,aaa,,  $$$ee,o$b $$$eea,.
   $$$ # $$$ $$$'''$$$ %$$  `$$P $$$``$$$l
   `$$o.d$$' $$$---$$$ $$$------ $$$- -$$$
    .oeee$o. $$$ # $$$ $$$ ##... $$$ ## ..
   $$$P-4$$$ `$$---$$$ $$$---.o$ $$$------
   $$$ # S$$  `Y$" $$$ ^$$a.a$$' $$$
               ANSi Image Analyzer
  this utility analyzes an ansi image and
exports data in csv format. its used to built a
database with information about ansi files. it
can characterize a file if it uses low or high
ascii chars, what colors are most used, what is
the main color of the image, how many colors
does it use, exports sauce info and an md5 hash
of the file, for unique identification of the
                               RaSPBeRRy Pi Ver

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