File index of OS2SWBBS: Science, Engineering, & Math page 3

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
21 05-12-1998 717 Kb. 11
Every element is listed containing all informati
on that I could get. That is: radioactive decay
time, energy needed to remove the outer electron
, melting and boiling temperature and Mass/Volum
e index. 
22 18-02-1997 28 Kb. 11
PM Calculator Utility (without VROBJ.DLL) V1.8.
Four function calculator with single memory,
modulus key and percent key.Keeps running "tape"
of calculations for entire session. Has print
key. Requires VROBJ.DLL. 
23 04-11-1997 332 Kb. 12
CLUSTAL W Multiple Sequence Alignment Program
24 09-08-1996 505 Kb. 13
Conversion Pro v1.5 is a 32-bit presentation
manager application which enables the user to
perform over 1800 'on-the-fly' scientific and
engineering unit conversions. 
25 02-07-2002 1330 Kb. 11
CurvFit v3.34 - Curvefitting with models of
Power series, Exponential series, and Lorentzian
sum to match the data. CurvFit is an example
of Calculus level programming as WIN-OS/2 applic
ation.(Nov., 11th 2001) 
26 23-02-1989 35 Kb. 10
OS/2 PM Desk calculator.  Has the regular four
functions with memory, % etc.  Not as fancy
as the SK/PM calculator, but Free! 
27 04-07-1998 27 Kb. 10
REXX-calculator for determinants. 
28 22-07-1994 500 Kb. 11
Working demo version of the program BMDp/Diamond
.  This is a 32bit OS/2 graphical data analysis
29 27-05-1995 153 Kb. 10
Free calculator from Mount Baker software. 
30 21-03-2003 765 Kb. 11
EditCalc v0.1a - A program to build mathematical
expressions(trigonometric and standard functrion
s) around an edit window.The program solves
ODEs, find roots, integrates and calculates
some statistics(Jan 5 1997) 

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