File index of OS2SWBBS: OS/2 Periodicals

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
1 OCTLANS.txt 05-10-1994 21 Kb. 109
October 1994. IBM LANSCREAMER Newsletter:  Octob
er 1994. 
2 31-01-1994 26 Kb. 13
first edition of the VPCUS OS/2 SIG newsletter. 
3 15-03-1996 4 Kb. 12
OS/2 Games Bulletin - March. Second edition
of OS/2 Games Bulletin. Games reviewed this
month: Entertainment Pack 17 and Doom 2; press
release from Frankenstein software- two new
game titles for OS/2. IBM Works format. 
4 04-10-1994 115 Kb. 12
Central Alberta OS/2 Users Group, on line versio
ns about the group, windows & OS/2 formats. 
5 12-11-1994 116 Kb. 13
On-line Information pack for Central Alberta
OS/2 Users Group. 
6 02-09-1993 218 Kb. 11
The GREATER CHICAGO Report - a monthly  newslett
er from the MidWest - INF and Ascii 
7 14-07-1994 91 Kb. 12
C Set++ Newsletter #7 in LIST3820 format. 
8 14-07-1994 175 Kb. 12
C Set++ Newsletter #7 in PostScript format. 
9 17-05-1993 132 Kb. 13
C-Set/2 Newsletter #5. (C-Set++ Announce edition
). Contains the newsletter in LIST3820 format. 
10 18-12-1995 678 Kb. 12
OS/2 CONNECT freeware newsletter, Jan. '96,
in INF format.  See included README.TXT file
for installation/operating instructions.  

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