File index of OS2SWBBS: WPS & PM Utilities page 7

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
61 15-05-1999 28 Kb. 10
Lorenz (Lorenz attractor demo) - OS/2 module
for EscapeGL 3D ScreenSaver for OS/2 by ShowStor
mSoftware based on GLUT toolkit for OS/2 (you
need EscapeGL 2.2 screensaver for OS/2 and IBM's
OpenGL 1.1 "gold" for OS/2). 
62 30-07-1993 24 Kb. 12
DeskPic Screen Saver Modules. Includes: BusyBees
: another swarm; Fortunes: a little man walks
around the screen telling fortunes; and Splines:
a version of flex using the Spline-Api-Call.
(Many of the included fortunes are off-color.) 
63 27-05-2002 97 Kb. 11
Extending the WPS of OS/2 Warp via the System
Object Model(SOM) v3.0 via OREXX(2000) 
64 07-05-1999 54 Kb. 11
Foreground Wallpaper ver.0.02b. 
65 07-06-1996 120 Kb. 11
Icon Heaven 1.13. An OS/2 Workplace shell enhanc
ement that enables the user to assign icons
to objects using simple drag & drop. Sample
icon libraries included. 
66 28-07-1994 478 Kb. 12
Icon Heaven libraries (2300 icons), This zipfile
contains 37 libraries for use with Icon Heaven
Installation included. 
67 12-06-1997 3 Kb. 10
Open Net Apps Fldr, Adjust Prog Obj Settings.
3 files: FIXNETAP.CMD opens a folder and applies
settings to program objects. FIXNETAP.DAT is
a parm file naming the folder and the program
objects. FIXNETAP.TXT is a description. 
68 18-10-1997 11 Kb. 10
FolderOpen v1.00 is a small program that can
open a folder from the command line. 
69 01-09-1997 11 Kb. 11
Open WPS directory/drive objects from commandlin
e. Folder v1.00 opens a directory as a WPS folde
70 13-09-1991 20 Kb. 11
Take screen snapshots of full-screen sessions. 

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