File index of OS2SWBBS: WPS & PM Utilities page 26

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
251 26-09-1999 195 Kb. 12
X-it v2.6 demo, Hungarian version. X-it is a
Desktop enhancer that adds titlebar buttons
and clock, mouse and keyboard shortcuts, mouse
snap, and many more features. Available in a
dozen languages. 
252 26-09-1999 189 Kb. 11
X-it v2.6 demo, Hungarian version. X-it is a
Desktop enhancer that adds titlebar buttons
and clock, mouse and keyboard shortcuts, mouse
snap, and many more features. Available in a
dozen languages. 
253 26-09-1999 184 Kb. 12
X-it v2.6 demo, Japanese version. X-it is a
Desktop enhancer that adds titlebar buttons
and clock, mouse and keyboard shortcuts, mouse
snap, and many more features. Available in a
dozen languages. 
254 26-09-1999 187 Kb. 12
X-it v2.6 demo, Dutch version. X-it is a Desktop
enhancer that adds titlebar buttons and clock,
mouse and keyboard shortcuts, mouse snap, and
many more features. Available in a dozen languag
255 26-09-1999 188 Kb. 11
X-it v2.6 demo, Norwegian version. X-it is a
Desktop enhancer that adds titlebar buttons
and clock, mouse and keyboard shortcuts, mouse
snap, and many more features. Available in a
dozen languages. 
256 26-09-1999 188 Kb. 12
X-it v2.6 demo, Portugese version. X-it is a
Desktop enhancer that adds titlebar buttons
and clock, mouse and keyboard shortcuts, mouse
snap, and many more features. Available in a
dozen languages. 
257 26-09-1999 193 Kb. 11
X-it v2.6 demo, Swedish version. X-it is a Deskt
op enhancer that adds titlebar buttons and clock
, mouse and keyboard shortcuts, mouse snap,
and many more features. Available in a dozen
258 30-05-1998 730 Kb. 12
0.1b3 of X server built using DIVE. 
259 21-08-2000 2285 Kb. 10
XWorkplace v0.9.4.2 - A utility for enhancement
the WPS (August, 2000) 
260 04-05-1994 258 Kb. 12
An original PM screen saver, with 7 unique modul
es. One module contains full source code as
an example of developing your own modules. Share
ware. IMPORTANT: copy zipfile to its own subdire
ctory, unzip with -d. 

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