File index of OS2SWBBS: WPS & PM Utilities page 24

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
231 02-12-1998 49 Kb. 12
XFolder 0.83 beta (executables), with Polish
National Language Support. XFolder has been
awarded "Runner-up" in the "Workplace Shell
Utility" category in the OS/2 e-Zine! 1998 Reade
r's Choice Awards. That's only behind Object
232 24-11-1998 21 Kb. 12
XFolder 0.83 beta (sources), with Polish Nationa
l Language Support. XFolder has been awarded
"Runner-up" in the "Workplace Shell Utility"
category in the OS/2 e-Zine! 1998 Reader's Choic
e Awards. That's only behind Object Desktop. 
233 14-12-1998 335 Kb. 12
XFolder 0.83 beta (executables), with German
National Language Support. XFolder has been
awarded "Runner-up" in the "Workplace Shell
Utility" category in the OS/2 e-Zine! 1998 Reade
r's Choice Awards. That's only behind Object
234 11-01-1999 86 Kb. 12
XFolder 0.83 beta (sources), with Czech National
Language Support. XFolder has been awarded "Runn
er-up" in the "Workplace Shell Utility" category
in the OS/2 e-Zine! 1998 Reader's Choice Awards.
That's only behind Object Desktop. 
235 24-01-1999 349 Kb. 11
XFolder 0.83 beta (executables), with Swedish
National Language Support. XFolder has been
awarded "Runner-up" in the "Workplace Shell
Utility" category in the OS/2 e-Zine! 1998 Reade
r's Choice Awards. That's only behind Object
236 24-01-1999 357 Kb. 12
XFolder 0.83 beta (sources), with Swedish Nation
al Language Support. XFolder has been awarded
"Runner-up" in the "Workplace Shell Utility"
category in the OS/2 e-Zine! 1998 Reader's Choic
e Awards. That's only behind Object Desktop. 
237 02-04-1999 440 Kb. 12
XFolder v0.84 (Czech, executables). A collection
of WPS replacement classes- Freely configurable
context menus, extended sort functions: finally
there are system-wide default sort options,
plus more sort criteria. 
238 02-04-1999 87 Kb. 13
XFolder v0.84 (Czech, sources). A collection
of WPS replacement classes- Freely configurable
context menus, extended sort functions: finally
there are system-wide default sort options,
plus more sort criteria (e.g. sort by extension)
239 02-04-1999 365 Kb. 12
XFolder v0.85 (German). A collection of WPS
replacement classes- Freely configurable context
menus, extended sort functions: finally there
are system-wide default sort options, plus more
sort criteria (e.g. sort by extension).  
240 02-04-1999 325 Kb. 11
XFolder v0.85 (English). A collection of WPS
replacement classes- Freely configurable context
menus, extended sort functions: finally there
are system-wide default sort options, plus more
sort criteria (e.g. sort by extension).  

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