File index of OS2SWBBS: WPS & PM Utilities page 22

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
211 15-11-1994 472 Kb. 14
WARPedBMO v1.2 Automatic Bitmap Changer. Changes
the WPS OS/2 DeskTop Background at each boot
or at any selected interval. Includes the requir
ed VXRexx VROBJ.DLL Ver 2.0 file. 
212 12-10-1997 16 Kb. 11
WarpCenter HotKey - Enables a hotkey to open
the menu with the Warp logo on WarpCenter's
213 wcntlr.exe 01-09-1996 357 Kb. 19
Window Controller V 1.36. PM based Setup program
, Commandline utilities Used for automatic windo
w positioning of Dos and OS/2 programs, Folders
etc, contains additional features for Object
Desktop(R) users. 30 day eval version. 
214 18-08-1998 37 Kb. 11
Windows95 keys support for os/2 wps. 
215 22-08-1996 27 Kb. 11
WindoWiz v1.00 - Freeware window manager.  Hide/
Show/Minimize/Restore/Close all folders or progr
216 21-06-1995 2110 Kb. 13
BocaSoft WipeOut - 32 bit screen saver featuring
animated displays integrated with digital audio,
password protection, screen capture, randomizer,
and on-line help. 
217 30-12-1995 99 Kb. 12
Warp 3D Animated Screen Saver 95/12/30. 32-bit
animated screensaver that works with the OS/2
lockup facility. Animates 3D wireframe images
that you can create with the included editor.
Have jets fly across the screen, or anything
218 18-09-1996 165 Kb. 12
The Wall version 2.01, for changing OS/2 wallpap
219 23-05-1995 131 Kb. 13
BocaSoft WipeOut 2.0 Deskpic Support. This will
allow users of the *NEW* WipeOut 2.0 to run
all their favorite Deskpic Savers. 
220 11-08-1993 482 Kb. 11
Final demo release for BocaSoft WipeOut. The
demo does not include WAV files and will not
function as a screen saver (no timeout). The
developer kit is included and all screen animati
ons are active.  A small video (.AVI) is also

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