File index of OS2SWBBS: WPS & PM Utilities page 19

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
181 02-10-1996 605 Kb. 13
ScreenSaver v2.6, DPMS, password, Sound, DOS
& Win support. 
182 12-01-1994 8 Kb. 13
More SSM screen saver modules for SSAVER.EXE.
This file contains several new SSM modules,
written for the SSAVER.EXE Screen Saver program.
The savers are called "too many pills", and
"strange waves". 
183 10-03-1995 31 Kb. 13
5 Modules for 'ScreenSaver' 95/03/07. V1.3.
EXTERNAL to use any DOS, Win, VIO-OS/2, PM progr
am as screensaver module; STICKS, eats up screen
; TV, turns into snowy TV screen; HOPOK, hopalon
g fractal image screensaver; RAUPE (caterpillar)
184 06-12-1996 311 Kb. 13
ScreenSpace - Small desktop utility to make
windows autohide and more. 
185 17-07-1994 94 Kb. 12
Four more SSM modules, designed to work with
the Screen Saver program (Ver 1.3 is SSAVER13.ZI
P). These module are: Flame, Hopalong, Polyline,
and Swarm. 
186 20-06-1993 12 Kb. 12
DESKPIC Screen Saver Ext : You are being chased
through space by the Enterprise. 
187 27-12-1992 4 Kb. 12
Swarm of bees DESKPIC screen saver. New as of
188 17-07-1999 19 Kb. 13
Dialog Enhancer '99, Select or create a new
system font (v1.00 International) for menus
etc. in Win-OS/2. 
189 05-10-1999 3826 Kb. 13
BocaSoft System Sounds-WPS Enhancement. 
190 14-03-2000 225 Kb. 14
Workplace Shell TrashCan 2.7.1 - Czech Version. 

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