File index of OS2SWBBS: WPS & PM Utilities

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
1 10-02-1997 191 Kb. 12
3DBar 0.7 beta WPS utility. 
2 29-01-1994 70 Kb. 13
New V1.21 of 9 Lives, the desktop expander for
OS/2!  Tons of new features.  Use multiple deskt
ops instead of one. 
3 13-12-1995 418 Kb. 13
AUTOBMP 3.0 is a multi-threaded 32-bit PM applic
ation developed for OS/2 2.x and OS/2 WARP.
Automates Work Place Shell (Desktop) Background
Bitmap dispays durring run time via timed interv
4 17-07-1999 40 Kb. 13
Dialog Enhancer '99, Updates all the old WIN-OS/
2 controls (v1.30 International) and dialog
borders to a more Warp 4.0 style look, is best
used in combination with Dialog Enhancer. 
5 04-01-2002 175 Kb. 13
A PM and REXX program v3.4 to create alternative
WPS functions as a japanese version - Source
included(Dec. 2001) 
6 01-10-1995 246 Kb. 13
AutoMessage 20-Column.  Animated Billboards. 
7 01-10-1995 216 Kb. 11
AutoMessage 32-Column.  Animated Billboards. 
8 30-04-1990 13 Kb. 12
display multiple backgrounds on the desktop 
9 04-09-1994 321 Kb. 11
AutoBMP will change the OS/2 DeskTop background
image at each reboot of the system. BMPs are
compressed in an archive. 
10 14-02-2003 524 Kb. 12
AUTOS2 - A program to perform automation on
the OS2 PM Desktop only on PM framed window
objects and sub classes as update(Jan 15 2003) 

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