File index of OS2SWBBS: Video Device Drivers & Info page 46

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
451 10-10-1994 490 Kb. 6
This file contains the video drivers for the
 9400 chip set. Installation instructions are
452 26-10-1993 871 Kb. 5
Video drivers for WD 90c33 chipset. 
453 05-09-1996 1341 Kb. 26
OS/2 Device Driver for WD90C24/31 Graphics Contr
oller vE.041 dated 96/09/06. This package contai
ns as OS/2 graphics controller driver supporting
the 90C24/31 chip set from the Wester Digital
454 31-08-1995 1154 Kb. 6
WD90C24 Display Device Driver. WD90C24 Display
Device Drivers for Toshiba models T4700ct and
T4700CS. Use PKUNZIP to extract the files and
then use LOADDSKF to create the diskette images. 
455 23-02-1995 1332 Kb. 4
OS/2 display driver for the 90C31 and 90C24
chip sets. Western Digital.	**NOT FOR OS/2 WARP*
456 wdc33.dsk 07-10-1995 1317 Kb. 93
OS/2 Disp. Driver for the 90C33 Western Digital
Chipset v1.4 dated 09/18/95. An OS/2 graphics
accelerator driver supporting the 90C33 chip
set from Western Digital Corp. 
457 weitek.dsk 14-09-1995 1372 Kb. 99
OS/2 Disp. Driver for the Power 9000 and 9100
chipsets. v1.2 dated 09/12/95. An OS/2 graphics
accelerator driver supporting the Power 9000
and 9100 chip sets from Weitek Corp. Compatible
with OS/2 2.11 and 3.0. 
458 04-10-1995 1178 Kb. 7
New weitek P9000/9100 drivers, updated 08/95.
 Requires loaddskf.exe to create a disk image
to install the drivers. Follow all instructions
and carefully read the readme.txt file for terms
and conditions for use of these drivers. 
459 30-11-1995 416 Kb. 5
ESS 688 Windows 3.1x drivers. Fix problems w/
WIN-OS2 sound on Toshiba laptops & others which
use ESS 688 chip set. Also fix: error message
about "VAUDRV.386" not loading when starting
WIN-OS2 session; & error message about "ES688DRV
460 12-08-2002 1003 Kb. 4
The ELSA Winner 1000/2000 graphic card driver
v3.18.14 for OS/2 and WIN-OS/2(1997) 

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