File index of OS2SWBBS: Video Device Drivers & Info page 41

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
401 22-07-1992 24 Kb. 8
Patch file from Trident BBS to help fix sync
(screen trash) problems when switching between
DOS or PM full screen and Desktop. For the 'T'
series of Trident drivers, i.e., the 256 color
ones, such as T1024.DLL. (dated 7/22/92) 
402 14-03-1995 491 Kb. 8
Beta Driver for Warp dated 11/11/94. I used
to succesfully install 800x600 256 SVGA with
a Trident 9400CXI chipset. Reportedly will drive
1024 display with 256 colors. 
403 10-10-1994 490 Kb. 7
Trident OS/2 Display Driver (version 3.0.01b)
404 11-01-2003 1015 Kb. 6
Trident  XGI series  OS/2 DBCS display drivers
as japanese version(Nov 21 1996) 
405 09-03-1994 480 Kb. 7
Trident drivers for OS/2 2.1GA and later (Dated
406 30-07-1999 1291 Kb. 6  Tseng Labs ET4000/W3, ISA,
PCI, VLB Driver VD.071. 
407 28-04-1992 1270 Kb. 5
4/28/92 Trident Drivers for OS/2 2.0. Including
"virtual" desktop drivers. (use the (C)ontents
command to see all the files in the ZIP file.) 
408 26-10-1992 67 Kb. 6
TVGACRTC.SYS driver for Trident TVGA Series.
Solves vdm hanging problem. Use it to adjust
horizontal and vertical screen sizes and refreas
h rate. Supports Hi-Color. 
409 03-12-1996 1436 Kb. 8
FAST Movie Machine II WarpTV driver. 
410 tx1401.exe 05-08-1996 1024 Kb. 9
Trident video drivers for the TGUI96XX series
video cards. 

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