File index of OS2SWBBS: Video Device Drivers & Info page 34

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
331 10-12-1993 1381 Kb. 5
S3 Inc. 32-bit beta display driver for OS/2
2.1.. Beta version 2.0. 
332 07-05-1993 295 Kb. 7
16 bit OS/2 2.X display drivers for STB Powergra
ph X24/VL24. Driver for  640x480x256  resolution
(at either  60/72Hz) YOU NEED the OS2X24.ZIP
to install it. Without it, it won't work. 
333 07-05-1993 295 Kb. 7
16 bit OS/2 2.X display drivers for STB Powergra
ph X24/VL24. Driver for  800x600x256 resolution
(at either  56/60/72Hz) YOU NEED the OS2X24.ZIP
to install it. Without it, it won't work. 
334 22-01-1997 1677 Kb. 8
S3 OS2 Display Driver Pak. 
335 s3rset.cmd 19-05-1994 1 Kb. 80
This Rexx program resets your S3 graphics driver
to 640x480x256. It is especially handy if your
graphics driver is set to a resolution unsupport
ed by your monitor. NOTE: this is a Rexx script
and can't be run from a floppy-booted system. 
336 08-09-1999 1220 Kb. 8 OS/2 Video Driver for S3
Savage3D/Savage4 - v6.10.10 
337 16-06-1993 792 Kb. 7
From S3 Inc. Disk 1 of 2. Video Drivers for
S3 Inc. 86c801,86c805 and 86c928 with Standard
DAC Drivers 
338 16-06-1993 967 Kb. 8
From S3 Inc. Disk 2 of 2. Video Drivers for
S3 Inc. 86c801,86c805 and 86c928 with Standard
DAC Drivers 
339 26-02-1996 1238 Kb. 9
S3 Trio32/64/64V+ Driver 2.80.19 96/02/26. Gener
ic Video driver for S3 Trio32 (732), Trio64
(764), & Trio64V+ (764) chipsets. Major increase
in WinOS/2 speed. Support for DDC monitors.
V2.80.19 (drivers dated Feb 9, 1996 -- Readme:
Feb 26). 
340 30-07-1999 1194 Kb. 7
S3 Trio3D OS/2-Video driver - v4.10.05. 

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