File index of OS2SWBBS: Video Device Drivers & Info page 16

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
151 27-04-1994 1386 Kb. 8
#9 GXE drivers for OS/2 
152 15-10-1993 798 Kb. 8
Number Nine GXE video accelerator OS2 driver
 disk 1 of 2 
153 15-10-1993 1293 Kb. 9
Number Nine GXE video accelerator OS2 driver
disk 2 of 2 
154 19-05-1994 1280 Kb. 10
OS/2 Device Driver for S3 86C911 and 86C924
based Hewlett Packard Systems.  See readme for
supported systems 
155 17-12-1992 799 Kb. 8
Video drivers for HP Vectra 486U PC's and HP
Ultra VGA cards. Works very well with OS/2 2.0
GA+SP; exhibits a few minor problems with 2.1
March beta. 
156 hrez_os2.lzh 28-02-1991 151 Kb. 116
1.2 ET4000 drvrs. Works on GA 2.0 on Cardinal
732 in 1024x768. Two drivers -- 1024x768 and
800x600, both dated 2/28/92. 
157 16-03-1994 66 Kb. 10
Drivers for Packard Bell machines which came
with the "not-quite-Video7" HT-216 "card". Gives
SuperVGA resolutions... OS/2 2.1 & up.  
158 06-03-1995 277 Kb. 8
#9 Imagine-128 video display drivers for OS/2
Warp, beta 1.08. 
159 05-09-1999 769 Kb. 8
Intel 810 Chipset OS/2 GRADD Display Driver
- v1.12 
160 28-06-1995 944 Kb. 9
#9 Imagine 128 video drivers Dll from #9's BBS
on 11-17-95. Most files inside are dated 6-28-95
. I haven't tried these yet. 

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