File index of OS2SWBBS: Video Device Drivers & Info

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
1 $ 06-08-1992 465 Kb. 16
Genoa 7000 video drivers for OS/2. This board
is based on the Tseng ET4000, so should work
on most boards based on it. 
2 01k7513.exe 04-09-1998 1225 Kb. 20
Netfinity 3000 S3 Trio-3D OS/2 Video Driver
Diskette version 4.00.25 
3 01k7513.txt 04-09-1998 18 Kb. 153
Readme for 01K7513.EXE (Netfinity 3000 S3 Trio-3
D OS/2 Video Driver Diskette version 4.00.25) 
4 128o2212.exe 30-11-1996 1131 Kb. 19
Display Adapter driver for Number 9 Imagine
128 for OS/2 Warp, version 2.12, from #9 ftp
site, dated 10/28/96. 
5 19-06-1999 937 Kb. 10
nVidia's RIVA 128/TNT driver now AVAILABLE FOR
OS/2. This is a GRADD based driver, so make
sure that you have switched your display driver
to VGA GRADD (NOT plain VGA driver) before insta
6 20-02-1996 781 Kb. 10
Matrox Millenium OS/2 drivers rev. 1.12. 
7 25-07-1996 1192 Kb. 11
Matrox Millenium Drivers v2.00 for OS/2. 
8 14-01-1999 1004 Kb. 10
v2.22 Matrox Mystique series and Millennium
series (including the G200 products), and Produc
tiva G100 OS/2 PM driver. This is an SBCS Driver
9 26-10-1993 909 Kb. 11
Western Digital 90c33 video drivers. 
10 36l9671.exe 27-10-1998 1225 Kb. 18
Netfinity 3000 S3 Trio-3D OS/2 Video Driver
Diskette version 4.00.27 

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