File index of OS2SWBBS: Utility Programs page 46

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
451 24-11-1992 44 Kb. 5
Terminator 2. 32 bit update to KILLP.ZIP. The
semaphores listed are correct but the menu actio
ns for semaphores have no effect. 
452 01-10-1990 6 Kb. 4
Kill any process by PID# (PID can be hex or
453 06-01-1995 138 Kb. 3
Appkiller 1.2a - shows, kills and switches to
454 08-06-1992 0 Kb. 4
Program to exit or kill a DOS boot image process
. This is a short but sweet program to exit
or kill a VDM DOS boot image session. The progra
m effectively allows you to treat a VDM session
like just another DOS session. 
455 17-07-1992 41 Kb. 5
KeyLocks II, v 2.00D: control num-lock, caps-loc
k, scroll-lock. PM software has an API that
allows any PM or WINCOMPATIBLE pgm to alter
the state of the shift lock keys in the PM sessi
on. This is a demo with occasional reminder
456 25-02-1994 26 Kb. 6
KeyMaster Pro, hotkey util version 1.1 
457 12-11-1994 23 Kb. 5
KORT_IMG converts a large disk image (for use
with VMDISK) into a smaller one, the total lengt
h of all files as mentioned in the directory
of the diskette. 
458 kpbyname.exe 12-10-1996 30 Kb. 15
Kpbyname.exe searches the list of running proces
ses in OS/2 and kills the process whose executab
le name matches the passed name (Note: You must
include the extension when you pass the executab
le name).  Example: kpbyname ftpd.exe 
459 22-04-1995 18 Kb. 5
KillPid 1.1.0 - Kill PID's by number 
460 13-01-1995 490 Kb. 2
Kramer Utilities for OS/2 95/01/13. Very simple
utilities for OS/2, maybe it could make your
life a little bit easier. 

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