File index of OS2SWBBS: Utility Programs page 44

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
431 16-08-1990 1 Kb. 5
Change the keyboard repeat under OS/2. 
432 28-04-1991 15 Kb. 5
Changes the AT keyboard repeat rate. Great for
scrolling faster in editors. 
433 17-09-1993 23 Kb. 3
KBSet 1.00 for DOS & OS/2 2.x. This small, free
utility will allow the keyboard toggles to be
set on/off (numlock, etc.) 
434 11-04-1990 2 Kb. 6
Kick kbd up to full speed, source included 
435 22-08-1993 68 Kb. 5
KbStuffer Version 1.0 August 1993. KbStuffer
is an OS/2 Full Screen KeyBoard Buffer Stuffer
which allows the stuffing of keystroke data
into any currently running OS/2 Full Screen
436 29-03-1995 45 Kb. 6
Fix ShiftLock behavior and set Num/Caps/Scroll
lock state 
437 03-04-1992 11 Kb. 5
A dual-mode (OS/2 and DOS) program to set the
shift-lock keys from the command line. Offers
ultimate control. 
438 14-07-1989 11 Kb. 5
Speedup keyboard for OS/2. 
439 15-05-1988 3 Kb. 5
Redefine function keys as macros. Uses DOSWRITE
and the ansi.sys keyboard driver built into
OS/2 to redefine the function keys (F1 - F10)
so that they become keyboard macros. 
440 26-06-1996 63 Kb. 5
KILL is a command-line process killer utility
for OS/2 Warp (and possibly 2.1x). It includes
support for Holger Veit's xf86sup.sys, which
(when used in conjunction with OS/2 Warp FixPak
17 (or later?)) implements a "HARD KILL" method. 

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