File index of OS2SWBBS: Utility Programs page 41

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
401 02-04-1995 19 Kb. 6
VXREXX INI file browse utility. Requires VROBJ.D
LL 2,1B not included in this zip file. The progr
am allows to browse any INI file, delete items,
and add some. 
402 23-02-1989 35 Kb. 4
Edit OS2.INI - PM app. Microsoft utility for
directly editing the contents of OS2.INI. Freewa
re; includes C source code. 
403 19-08-1995 25 Kb. 5
A Simple but easy to use INI file editor. INI
file editor which can be used to change commpass
.ini values or any other .ini file. No documenta
stion but it doesn't really need any. Just click
on OPEN to find your INI file. 
404 04-12-1996 93 Kb. 5
A Dialog Driver Binary INI Editor for OS/2 v1.0
dated 96/12/05. The User, System, LBS or NetDoor
INI files may be selected directly from the
file menu if they exist on the workstation. 
405 inifle.txt 15-05-1994 4 Kb. 78
A text file that discusses INI Files in general.
This file is included in the IniMaint and SysMai
nt online Help and in the INIHLP.ZIP and INIMSC.
ZIP files. 
406 20-01-1993 20 Kb. 5
ALLINI 1.1 (for OS/2) Edit and delete INI files.
Cleanup all those unused sections left by old
407 18-12-1994 54 Kb. 5
Command line utility to read/edit Windows Profil
e (INI) files.  Includes both DOS and OS/2 execu
408 02-01-2000 177 Kb. 6
A client/server approach to the editing of INI
files, for remote system management. The package
includes the server (including program source
and documentation) and a demonstration client.
409 05-05-1989 9 Kb. 4
Show contents of OS2.INI 
410 27-01-2000 572 Kb. 5  INI editor with tools to compare
and search INI files. 

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