File index of OS2SWBBS: Utility Programs page 36

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
351 28-01-2001 35 Kb. 7
HDR.EXE v2.10.0 - A utility to list the load
mudule header tables for EXE and DLL. 
352 07-09-1991 21 Kb. 6
Displays the first (or last) N lines of files
you specify. A character mode application, bound
for both OS/2 and DOS. Public domain. 
353 13-09-1990 5 Kb. 6
PM program that reports date, time, and free
354 02-05-1993 17 Kb. 6
Simple conversion utility for formatting tracefi
le output from TCP/IP 1.2.1 refresh + CSD TELNET
. Options include CR/LF toggle, Keep/Strip ANSI
codes, Select Input/Output lines, and paragraph
formatting for word processor import. 
355 08-07-2003 27 Kb. 8
HexFind v2.1 - A very fast pattern finder; searc
hes for any byte sequence including wildcards
in all files; allows searching subdirectories,
system and hidden files. Source is included(Nov
10 2000) 
356 28-01-1996 309 Kb. 7
HIS Corp's HighlanDR presents... his chg_ctls
for use  w/ chg_ctls 2.0 and above. 
357 07-11-1997 500 Kb. 6
HKLaunch v2.3 - Application Starter.Ultimate
replacement for STARTUP.CMD programming or using
the STARTUP folder. Allows to interactively
define all applications to be started, the defin
itions are retained in an INI file. 
358 13-01-1996 16 Kb. 7
Convert OS/2 HLP files to INF files. 
359 11-11-1994 26 Kb. 5
Hobbes CD-ROM explorer. Replacement for OS2View.
exe supplied on the Walnut Creek CDROM.  Contain
s enhancements. 
360 27-01-1998 998 Kb. 7
Hotkey From Full Screen And Windowed Sessions.
Info and programs allows the OS/2 user to config
ure their system so that hotkey's can be used
to jump directly from any full screen windows,
full screen dos, or windowed OS/2, DOS, or Windo

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