File index of OS2SWBBS: Utility Programs page 33

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
321 23-12-1995 8 Kb. 9
Change WPS Controls to look like GEOS Controls.
Geoworks pretenders (v2.0): Control Buttons:
Change default OS/2 PM control buttons, minimize
button, maximize button, etc., to look like
control buttons used in Geoworks. Need CHG_CTLS.
322 05-08-1995 85 Kb. 8
The OS/2 Gamer's Guide (Aug/95 German Translatio
n) A database utility for setting up DOS games
to run under OS/2. 
323 06-01-2000 911 Kb. 9
GETCFGPK.EXE is a utility for a collection of
information needed by an OS/2 support technican. 
324 04-09-1999 13 Kb. 6
Extract imbedded fonts from postscript document. 
325 09-11-1988 3 Kb. 7
Get user input to batch file 
326 25-02-1990 8 Kb. 9
Report keystroke errorlevel in OS/2. Waits for
a user's keystroke, then reports its ASCII code
as an ERRORLEVEL for use in batch files. 
327 14-07-1994 44 Kb. 8
Port of getline, a command recall /editing funct
ion from Unix, source code included. 
328 getscrn.exe 14-10-1990 70 Kb. 20
Captures video from OS/2 FULL SCREEN session 
329 09-01-1998 31 Kb. 8
GetTZ 1.1 - Parses standard TZ environment strin
g - Stores current timezone in any OS/2 INI
330 24-07-1995 99 Kb. 9
Group Folder v2.3j allows you to create visible
subsections within a given folder.  Thus, you
have more control over the organization of the
contents of folders.  Grouping of related object
s helps you locate objects more quickly. 

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