File index of OS2SWBBS: Utility Programs page 4

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
31 26-01-1998 58 Kb. 11
AUTORUN v1.2 autoruns CD-ROMs when the CD-ROM
is inserted. Also audio CDs are played. 
32 14-02-1989 31 Kb. 8
PM-AVIO File Browser with source 
33 24-08-1993 19 Kb. 11
AVC utility for TIFF files. 
34 28-11-1989 19 Kb. 11
Anywhere v 2.0 - OS/2 file finder. Version 2.0
of AW; includes a much-need scroll-back (and
scroll sideways) feature, but client window
painting is now quite buggy. Includes full C
35 07-07-1991 22 Kb. 11
Backup/2 v1.01; OS/2 backup program. Fast, intel
ligent file backups. Copies only files which
don't exist on target drive, or whose date-time
stamps are more recent than target files. Severa
l other options. Shareware. 
36 12-09-1990 25 Kb. 11
This package contains programs to allow you
to backup your OS/2 EE DBM databases to just
about anything you want to use. Source code
is included. 
37 30-09-1994 228 Kb. 11
This online document provides information about
upcoming and recent meetings of the OS/2 Bay
Area User Group and its Special Interest Groups
(SIGS). The photographs in this document require
a 256-color display mode to show correctly. 
38 26-03-1994 16 Kb. 11
Bak21 is a Quick, Dirty, and Cheap 32 bit floppy
disk back up program.  Supports PKZIP, ZIP/UNZIP
, and PKZIP for DOS.  
39 28-01-1994 273 Kb. 9
PM front end for OS/2's backup and restore  
40 26-06-1994 463 Kb. 11
PM Front end to OS/2's Backup & Restore  

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